Young People’s Theatre Newcastle

Theatre Company

Theatre for young people by young people
William & Betty Ford

The YPT Theatre Company stages performances in a 148 seat auditorium located on the corner of Lindsay and Lawson Streets, Hamilton. Productions provide performance opportunities for YPT Theatre School Students and Adult Members.

We are very proud of our productions that provide performance, directing team and back stage opportunites for young people. 

Production information for YPT Members & Families

Roles in productions are available to exclusively to YPT members and students. To gain an acting role, students participate in an audition process.  

A Production Information Meeting is held prior to auditions for parents and students considering participation in each production. Production details, dates and eligibility will be outlined at this meeting and attendance at the meeting is an audition eligibility requirement. 

Auditioning is voluntary. While students are encouraged to audition for productions, some students choose to attend classes but not become involved in productions. Students may also indicate an interest in assisting backstage or with sound and lighting.

Students involved in productions must continue to attend classes during the rehearsal phase and the production period. Students must establish a good attendance, behaviour and participation record in Theatre School classes before they become eligible to audition. 

Please read our YPT terms and conditions. Upon payment of fees and membership you are stating that you understand, acknowledge and agree with all of YPT’s terms and conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Criteria may vary between productions but will always include:

  • 75% attendance and an appropriate behaviour/participation in Theatre School classes
  • enrolment in the Theatre School as of a nominated semester
  • regular attendance at classes during previous and current rehearsal and performance season
  • appropriate record of attendance and participation in previous productions
  • appropriate parent support for previous productions through participation on the Parent Roster
  • parent compliance with the Working With Children legislation, ie provision of a current WWCC
  • student and parent attendance at a Production/Audition Information Meeting
  • lodgement of a parent signed Production Commitment Form at the audition


At least 4 weeks prior to auditions, an Audition Notice is distributed via student email lists. The Notice covers information for students and parents specific to the production, ie audition eligibility, rehearsal/performance schedules and role descriptions.


At least 2 weeks prior to auditions, meetings are held to provide information sufficient for parents and students to determine if they will commit to the production. Production Commitment Forms and audition material are only available at these meetings.


  • Student and Adult Members who meet the designated criteria for a production are eligible to audition
  • if, following auditions, the production cannot be adequately cast due to low numbers attending the audition, those attending not quite meeting the needs of the role and/or cast members withdrawing from the production, a formal second call can be made for members to audition
  • the second call, made using the YPT Office email lists should include the previously invited members plus a wider group as would meet the needs of the production.
  • following liaison with the Artistic Director and with the knowledge of the Management Committee, directors may have delegation to use discretion when casting senior productions; the expectation is that senior productions may be required to meet a higher standard of performance and professionalism than junior productions
  • Students are informed of the outcome of the auditions within 2 weeks by YPT email
  • casting decisions are at the discretion of the director and are final
  • please refer all cast enquiries and production related messages through the YPT email:

Prior to the production opening, rehearsals are held each Saturday afternoon, after theatre classes, for about ten weeks.

Productions which open on the first Monday of the school holidays have performances from Monday to Saturday of the first week of the holidays and then each Saturday (and some Sundays) for approximately four weeks – a total of about eighteen performances. Each child in a production will usually be involved in at least eleven performances. Involvement in a production can be a commitment for parents and children of up to eighteen weeks.

Senior productions and the junior production at the end of the year are a shorter production season.

Students must commit to:

  • observe theatre rules of behavior and to accept instructions and advice from the director/s, wardrobe coordinator and other appointed officers
  • attend the Production Information Meeting
  • attend all scheduled rehearsals and performances
  • maintain a 75% attendance rate at their regular theatre school class
  • be punctual in arriving for rehearsals and performances
  • contact the YPT Office (preferably by email) to notify any planned absences and/or explain unplanned absences. 

As YPT is a voluntary, not for profit, community organisation, we rely on parents to assist with productions. There are no extra charges levied to support productions. Parental commitment for productions includes:

  • attending the Production Information Meeting, and
  • volunteering for a set number of shifts to assist with the following tasks during rehearsal and performance phases: Set Construction, Costume, Rehearsal Supervision, Canteen, Box Office, Front of House, Dressing Room and Stage Door supervision.

Following the Production Information Meeting, parents sign and submit a Commitment Form. Approximately one month before the production opens, parents confirm their availability to assist with specific tasks by adding their name to the Parent Roster.

During the performance season, a useful measure of parental assistance is to be rostered for at least half the number of shows in which their child is performing.

There is generally a small production fee that covers the cost of a production t-shirt, script purchase or hire, plus directing team gifts. See the Theatre School Fees on the Theatre School page for more fee info.

Lindsay Street Players

Lindsay Street Players (LSP), an ensemble under the umbrella of YPT, caters for YPT young adult members who are keen to continue to participate in productions. LSP productions include works more suited to mature audiences. For insurance purposes, LSP members must also hold current YPT Adult Membership.