Young People’s Theatre Newcastle

Senior Classes

YPT Courses for Senior Students (Yrs 11–12 + Post School*)

YPT aims to offer our senior students challenging and engaging content across all theatre types. With many of our alumni continuing into professional careers as performers, theatre makers and teachers, Think Beyond provides both a high standard of drama literacy and the flexibility to enable students to continue attending weekly classes in a way they enjoy.

Students may choose one or more Think Beyond courses as their main YPT class. Senior students (years 11–12) receive a 25% discount for each additional YPT class in which they enrol beyond their first Think Beyond class. (N.B. this discount does not apply to Private Singing).

*Post School Students i.e. students in their first two post compulsory school years, may apply to enrol in a Think Beyond Course

Think Beyond Drama: Performance Ensemble

The Think Beyond Drama Performance Ensemble spend their class time working on a production to be staged in a short season in Term 4. Audition preparation, auditions and rehearsals will occur during class time. Only minimal commitment is required outside of class time – this commitment will occur closer to their performance date. Students will develop the skills and understanding required to create a high quality production as well as learn other valuable tools which will help them to succeed as a performer.

Note: The Think Beyond Drama Performance Ensemble production is full-length production  and a formal part of the  season. The title of the next year’s production will be announced at the Think Beyond Taster Workshop in December of each year.

Think Beyond Musical Theatre

Think Beyond Musical Theatre will be a focused class with a flexible curriculum designed to challenge our senior students while providing a collaborative and engaging classroom environment. The focus of this class is to engage in Musical Theatre styles, that will allows our students to develop their personal performance and theatre literacy through group and individual work and high quality workshops.

Acceptance into the Think Beyond is not automatic. Students will be contacted by the Theatre School Coordinator for more information regarding a taster workshop.

Drama Seniors: enrols students in Years 10 to 12

This class is for students who are not able to attend a weekday Think Beyond class; who would prefer not to enrol in the Performance Ensemble class and be involved in a production and/or who would prefer to attend a Saturday class.