Young People’s Theatre Newcastle

Spotlight On: Our Production Assistants, Marcel and Takira

Spotlight On: Our Production Assistants, Marcel and Takira

Spotlight On: Our Production Assistants, Marcel and Takira
3-minute read // Published by Young Peoples Theatre, October 2022
Written by: Caitlin Maher and Holly Fishlock 
Pictured: Cast Members of Disney’s The Aristocats KIDS

For each of our YPT productions, YPT engages students to join the creative team as Production Assistants. This is a role on the creative team, where the students get to work along side the adult members of the creative team to lead the students through the production process. Marcel Forrer and Takira Coleman are the Production Assistants on Disney’s Aristocats KIDs, and they have been wonderful working with our young people to feel confident on stage. Find out more about there experience below.

Q. What is your role in Aristocats as Production Assistant?
Marcel: My role is following what the directors need us to do, we help kids with character and movement, a bit of everything.
Takira: I help out the directors with whatever they need weather that’s helping out with movement or preemption people with lines and very much just supporting them.

Disneys’ The Aristocats KIDS Creative Team

Q. Why were you interested in joining the Aristocats Production Team?
Marcel: I really like being at YPT and I saw that it was an open position late last year and thought that it was something that I would like to do.
Takira: I wanted to get a view from the other side, seeing how directing and the audition and rehearsal process happened from a different perspective.

Q. What is the role of production assistant taught you about working on a show?
Marcel: I’ve learnt a lot about how things are set up and the structure of shows. Being a part of just the cast is completely different because you learn your lines and you in the show but being behind the scenes is exciting to see how everyone’s hard work contributes to everything, it’s very rewarding to see how things are made rather than them just being there.
Takira: It has taught me that you can have fun while also working hard on shows.

Q. What do you enjoy most about your role in this production?
Marcel: I enjoy working with the kids individually on their characters with how their character might move or react to certain things, it’s exciting to see them develop their characters.
Takira: I enjoy the most about gaining experience about behind the scenes as well as working with people that are older than me but also influencing those that are younger

Q. You were also a part of the tech crew. What has it been like balancing both roles as tech runs begin?
Marcel: It’s fun because I get to run everywhere and am constantly doing stuff which makes me feel extra important.
Takira: It’s quite exciting, there is a lot of moving around and a big balancing act between all of my jobs but we have made a big list to make sure that we are organized.

Q. Why should people come and see Aristocats?
Marcel: Aristocats is so lively and exciting I think that it always a lot of fun but on top of that its supporting community theater and kids that are starting in theater to keep going and love being in shows and experience what it’s like to be apart of theater.
Takira: Because it’s really fun and energetic show that all the kids have worked very hard on and it’s fantastic.

Disney’s The Aristocats KIDS plays at YPT Theatre until October 22. Tickets available at 

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