Young People’s Theatre Newcastle

KIDS Quotes – The Stinky Cheese Man

KIDS Quotes – The Stinky Cheese Man

KIDS Quotes: The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales
4-minute read // Published by Young Peoples Theatre, July 2024
Written by: Our Kid Quotes Reviewers – Will Arnold, Sam Dewhurst & Scarlett Gorseski
Pictured: Kids Quotes students ready to watch the run of The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales

On our last day of dress rehearsals, 3 YPT students came along to see The Stinky Cheese Man and gave us their thoughts on the show. Our reviewers were Will (11), Sam (10) and Scarlett (12).

What is the show all about?

Will: The Stinky Cheese Man is a bunch of fairy tales with a twist. Each part of the show is a story that you might have heard before, but it has been changed to make it funny and new.

Scarlett: There were stories like Chicken Licken, the Stinky Cheese Man, Cinderella and many more!

Sam: All throughout the fairy tales is Jack who hides from the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk.

What did you like best about the show?

Scarlett: The performance is really good. I really enjoyed the storyline and how the overall story was put together. I also loved the acting from the amazing young actors. The lighting was very interesting and I liked how it changed how the stage looked.

Sam: It is very funny!

Will: The behind-the-scenes work was impressive, especially the projector that displayed words and pictures on the stage to highlight and explain parts of the story. The use of props was very creative, as one item on stage was both a place for hiding, as well as part of the scenery. The cast made sure everything was used at an advantage rather than getting in the way.

What should audiences come see the show?

Scarlett: It is a very entertaining story and has a lot of funny jokes. I would recommend that people of all ages come, the set and fairy tales are very enjoyable.

Will: Audiences should see the show because it is family friendly and has so many hilarious tales that will have you doubled over in laughter. The show will have you thinking differently about fairy tales that you think you already know.

The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales plays for a further 8 performances at Young People’s Theatre. All tickets are $25 and at children’s prices. Book at 

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